Learn How You Can Make 6 Figures With An Instagram Business

Are you ready to go to the next level of your life or choose to settle for the same boring life?

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563+ Reviews

Join Now! And Get Instant Access In Just $47


Here's What You'll Get...
Ever-growing business

Learn an ever-green business model from Wificosmo's program that teaches you Instagram Business from scratch

Get mentored by experts

Inside Cosmo, you'll get personally coached by me plus our experts students and from weekly coaching calls

Learn over 4 modern ways to monetise your personal brand and start earnings through Instagram business.
Sales mastery

You learn how to sell your service, digital product or affiliate product step-by-step

24/7 guidance

You can personally send me a message anytime you feel you have question

Niche selection

Choose a niche for your Instagram that you love and know a lot about, like business, motivation, or fashion, so you can share cool stuff and at the same time make money

Professional editing program

In this, you'll learn the advance editing skills that not so many people know about

Auto-pilot mode

Automating everything is our main goal so you enjoy time with your family or travel anywhere you want

The price will increase very soon as we add more value for you!

Results of our students

these kinds of results are quite standard for our members...

Do you wanna be our next success story?

Join Our Instagram Business Program and learn how to turn Instagram into a full-time career.

Instagram page setup

Going auto-pilot

How to sell

Learning IG's algorithm

Learn professional editing


Inside Cosmo

Cosmo is broken down in 5 phases.
You can see how you'll go through program step-by-step.
When joining now, you'll also get access to free bonuses worth $3,000, free of charge.

After JOINING, you will learn the whole process from creating your first piece of content to becoming an expert and make money from where ever you like

More student results

Become our next success story!
Join the Wificosmo Program and learn how to turn Instagram into a full-time Career

Frequently asked questions

Here's the answer to the most common asked questions about Cosmo enrollment.

What is Cosmo?

Cosmo is an online Education platform that teaches you hard business skills. We aim to educate people with monetizable skills and show them how to monetize through Instagram Business. Each student that enrolls gets access to our pre-recorded content, live weekly coaching calls with experts and much more

How long will I have access to Cosmo?

Your access to the platform lasts for a lifetime.

How and when will I gain access after enrolling now??

You'll gain the access right away after payment goes through.

For how many hours I need to work per day?

2-3 hours of work a day will be enough. But our goal will be automating everything possible. So you can enjoy your time while making making money online.

What if I have questions or get stuck throughout the process?

Whatever questions you may have our team is here to assist you. Every student will get their own personal success concierge who can answer any and all questions. We also have weekly coaching calls where you will have full support.

Do I need to quit my job to get results with Cosmo?

No, Cosmo provides you with the foundation you need to start a side hustle. We do not recommend that people quit their jobs prior to earning money with their side hustle.

How does the 30-days guarantee work?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee meaning you have up to 30 days to get a full refund on your purchase price if you don't see any results after enrolling.

Turn Instagram into full-time career

After enrolling, you will learn the whole process from creating your first piece of content from scratch to making full-time income as a creator.


Plus claim bonuses worth more than $3,000 for free of charge...

Turn Instagram into full-time career

After enrolling, you will learn the whole process from creating your first piece of content from scratch to making full-time income as a creator.

Plus claim bonuses worth more than $3,000 for free of charge...